
Yale University, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, New Haven, CT

Graduate Student in Earth and Planetary Science, August 2019 - Present

Faculty advisors: Dr. Jay Ague and Dr. David Evans

The Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA

Masters of Sciences in Geoscience, Received September 2019

Thesis: Constraints from Monazite Petrochronology on the Assembly of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Andrew Smye

University of California, Santa Barbara, Letters and Science Honors Program Santa Barbara, CA

Bachelor of Science Degree in Earth Sciences, magna cum laude, Received June 2017

Thesis: Thermobarometry of Staurolite-Garnet-Biotite schist, Northern Snake Range Décollement, Hendry’s Creek, Nevada

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Phillip Gans